ACRA filings, position: Complete to 2016-09-30. Filing for 2017-09-30 is expected to be on time.
IRAS filings, position: Complete to 2016-09-30. Filing for 2017-09-30 is expected to be on time.
Directors' intentions: If a workable alternative set of directors steps forward (or committee, if we restructure as an association) reasonably soon (say: before year-end) then hand over; shut down if not.
Financial position (balance sheet, directors' loans, lease, monthly income/expenses, ...): Pending; likely for next plenum.
Expressed interest in taking over some combination of supervisory and operational responsibility.
He will work with Luther to identify members, assess cashflow, with a view to a proposal on future relationship with HackerspaceSG for discussion at the next plenum, including what else he can take on.
Undertook to develop some specific structure options for becoming an association, the intention being a matrix of pros and cons for discussion at the next plenum.