Plenum 2019-03-06 Agenda/Minutes
20:27 Open
- Present: Valentine, Dyana, Bob, Robert, Roland
- Apologies:
- (Fazli/Dyana) Update on finances, accounts, and cashflow.
- Lowest projeted balance over next 90 days is ~$2000 (accounting costs not considered, due April)
- On recurring income and expenditure we are gaining ~$1000/month (some annual costs not amortised; TODO next for next plenum)
- IRAS filing for YA2018 due in April, we are likely to meet that
- ACRA filing not certain
- For next plenum: due date for next filing to each of IRAS and ACRA, and our likelihood of meeting each.
Cost Reduction Measures
- Discussion if any.
- Cynthia reduced to fortnightly at $60, saving ~$1000/year
- Electricity usage a little lower, perhaps seasonal.
Services to Raise Funds
- (Aizat) Discussion if any.
Electricity Supplier Alternatives
- (Fazli/Bob) Updates if any.
- Intention is to switch to SP Utilities wholesale, an account has been opened, formalities remain to be completed.
Business Insurance Policy Cancellation
- Update and discussion.
- Matter to be closed by settling the time-at-risk amount.
Membership Marketing and Website Revamp
- (Fazli) Update on marketing work with Graham.
- (Robert) Update on revamp.
- Now in Robert's hands. Should be done prior to FOSSASIA.
- (Bob) Update on new members (if any).
- Some upgrades, some downgrades.
Potential Relocation Options
Organisation Directorships
- (Bob/Robert) Discussion if any.
- ACRA filing to switch directors to Robert and Bob has been submitted, activation pending.
For-profit/Commercial Event Rack Rates
- (Valentine) Discussion if any.
- Bob: Update website to say "We are available for hosting events, email us at [email protected] for details."
Upcoming events that HackerspaceSG might be interested in
- Hack && Tell (Monday, 11 March)
- Plan for FOSSASIA is: "Show up, do things, have fun." Bring stickers, wear t-shirts, bring smiles.
- Roland may have radio stuff. Sebastion may have demo.
Any Other Business
Next Meeting
- 2019-04-10 20:00 (tentatively scheduled for 2nd Wednesday of every month, but subject to change depending on the schedule of key people)
21:09 Close